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Good Friday - Great and Holy Friday

Good Friday – Great and Holy Friday

The Good Friday is traditionally celebrated as a day on which Jesus was crucified. It comes on the Friday immediately preceding Easter Sunday. The Christians honour and memorize the event, passion and suffering through which Jesus went through. Many Christians spend the day fasting, offer prayers, perform meditation and most often spend the day in repentance. 

There are different opinions on this day. Some feel sorrow for the sufferings and even give pain to them while others understand that Jesus offered his life so that many people could be saved. It was not that his life was taken but he himself offered his life. Usually the holidays start from Good Friday and end on Easter Monday with rejoicing and celebrating Jesus' raising after the death. Roman Catholics include specific prayers and devotional songs on this day as they memorize this special day traditionally.

Usually in the evening Christ's death is remembered with sad and solemn prayers and prayers of thanksgiving. Good Friday is a moveable feast and there are many explanations why Good Friday is termed 'Good'. The word 'good' was considered 'holy' in old English and so Good Friday is said Good. Also God had the last word through Christ's death and people were, actually, redeemed by the death of Jesus

This is also why it is good about this day. On Good Friday is celebrated , people wear black clothes, cover the statues, pictures and crosses with black and unlit all the candles. Attend the church and say prayers. Memorize and honour Christ's death and sufferings and attend the services that are sober and solemn. Every Christian participates in the Holy Communion. 


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