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Ugadi -2015 [ Happy Ugadi ]

Ugadi -2015  [ Happy Ugadi ]

The Ugadi is celebrated in Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka with immense enthusiasm. and also commemorates the commencement of a Hindu lunar calendar. The name Ugadi has been altered from Yuga Aadi. The term Yugadi has been derived from 'Yuga' meaning the 'era' or 'epoch', and 'aadi' meaning 'the beginning'. Hence Yugadi or Ugadi means the beginning of a new age. There is a common belief prevalent among the people that it is on this Ugadi Day, that Lord Brahma, the Hindu pantheon created the world. 

On the Ugadi day, people prepare themselves by waking up early in the morning and taking a head bath. Next, it is time for the Ugadi decoration wherein, the houses are cleaned and entrances are adorned with fresh mango leaves, which are the symbol for well being and good crops. The Ugadi rituals include the everyday ritualistic worship of God that is performed to invoke His blessings, before starting off with a new year. 

People engage themselves in praying for wealth, health and prosperity. Happiness and excitement of people knows no bounds as they get involved in shopping for new clothes, items for rituals, gifts for the dear ones etc. 

While the raw mangoes fill the air with their sweet aroma, the blossomed Neem on the other hand makes the environment healthy. Its time to take pleasure in the lip-smacking delicacies and the Ugadi special dishes such as "Ugadi Pachchadi" made with the combination of jaggery, tamarind, neem flowers and raw mango.

A fascinating fact behind the preparation of this particular item on the auspicious occasion of Ugadi is that, it gives out a message about life; life is all about sorrows and joy, bad and good and we have to treat them alike.


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