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FATHER'S DAY – Importance

FATHER'S DAY –  Importance

Father's Day acknowledge the contribution of fathers to individual families and to societies as large.  Father's Day provide children an opportunity to express love and respect for their fathers. The sentiment goes a long way in strengthening father-child relationship and consequently in the emotional development of a child. Celebrating Father's Day is a new concept in India.

The role of father is often relegated to a secondary status as compared to a mother. But all of us know that father is just as important for a child as the mother is. If mothers are the heroes of child rearing, significance of father in the development and emotional well being of a child is no less. Children depend on their father for their spiritual, emotional, physical, financial and social well being. For daughters, father is the ideal man in the world and also the first man they adore, while for sons, father is an idol and the strongest man they aspire to emulate. Children must therefore take full opportunity of the day and express their gratitude for fathers with all their heart. The best way to do so is to do small things that daddy appreciates and by saying “I love you, Papa” with a gift of beautiful flower.

The reasons why we should be thankful for our fathers - Dads are our role models. Traditionally, for girls, our fathers are our role models. Dads give good advice.  They’re our go-to DIY specialists.  Dads help out. Unpopular tasks such as mowing the lawn, taking out the rubbish and walking the dog are often left up to dad. Dads are adventurous.  Dads are good sports. They help us out financially. Dads encourage us to do better. 

You may be worried about an upcoming exam, a job interview or a project deadline, but our fathers are the ones who motivate us to do better. After all, no one believes you to be smarter, brighter, or more skillful than your dad. They act as our personal removal companies. Our personal taxi service. Dads inspire us to be ourselves. 

Our fathers always inspire us to be true to ourselves and to be our own person, helping us to follow our dreams and goals – both on a personal and professional level. They help us to find our feet. Helping us to walk is one of the first things our fathers will help us to do. They add humor to our lives.  They give great advice. Fathers are central to the emotional well-being of their children; they are capable caretakers and disciplinarians.



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