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Mother’s Day 2016

Mother’s Day 2016 

Mother’s Day is celebrated all over the world through various occasions and presenting  gifts to mothers and mother figures. It's more about cards, flowers, jewelleries and visiting restaurants or gifting vacations. Mother’s Day is a celebration of bond of love and affection between a mother and a child and it celebrates the spirit of motherhood. Find out the history behind the celebrations surrounding Mother’s Day.

Mother’s Day is an annual event celebrated every year to honour and respect a mother. It is celebrated to salute the motherhood as well as increasing the maternal bonds to children. It is celebrated to increase the influence of mothers in the society. Mother’s day is being celebrated every year on different dates in various countries all across the world. In India, it is celebrated every year on second Sunday of the month of May. Mother’s Day is a very special day of the year for everyone. People who care and love their mothers celebrate this special occasion in many ways. It is an only day of the year which has been dedicated to all the mothers in this world. People in various countries celebrate this event on different dates and days according to the country norms and calendar.

Significance of Mothers Day today - Mother's Day celebrates the glorious ideal of love and sacrifice called motherhood. It is a special day for all mothers. It is also is a great opportunity for us to thanks and show respect towards the lady who has done so much for us. Mother’s Day means making our moms feel proud and special.

Mother’s day is a concept born in the age of the Romans and since then, it has been celebrated in different parts of the world in various ways. Mother's Day is the special day for a very special woman. Children should consider it essential to acknowledge their mothers with some special arrangements, for being fortunate to be blessed with such great figure. The day is glorified by giving gifts like chocolates , cards, crockery, apparels and jewelry to mothers on this day. This day is dedicated to thank all mothers for their responsibilities and hardships they undertake in a child's upbringing.

Mother’s day festival is celebrated across 48 countries on various days. The Mother’s Day celebration has undergone a big transformation in the recent years. Earlier Mother’s Day celebration included praying for the well being of the mother, feasting and a barbeque. But soon the western ideas began to be adopted by others places of the world. Today the Mother’s Day celebration involves sending gifts of love to dear moms. Children play games with their moms. Even would be mothers are treated on this special day. This day a woman is specially made to understand the bliss of motherhood. She feels great about being a mother.

Some people arrange for get together with their moms and throw parties in the honor of their dear moms. People staying away from the families make efforts to spend the day with mothers to make them feel special. This way Mothers Day has turned out to be family reunion day for many. While those who cannot visit their moms call their mother on phone and send greeting cards to express their gratitude and love for them.


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